Functions and Brief Explanation

  • VLOOKUP – Getting the value from the data range using the column index number)
  • HLOOPKUP- Getting the value from the data range using the row index number)
  • IF –  Logical test , conditional  meets or does not meet. There will be nested cases
  • SUMIF – Getting the total sum value within the data range if the one condition is matched.
  • SUMIFS – Getting the total sum value if the multiple conditions are matched.
  • COUNTIF – Get the no of counts if the condition meets
  • COUNTIFS –  Get the no of counts from the multiple data ranges if the conditions meet
  • CONCAT – Combine the cells into one cell

Most common used advanced Excel Functions

  • ´VLOOKUP – Getting the value from the data range using the column index number)
    • ´VLOOKUP( lookup_value, table_array, col_index_number, range_lookup/logical )
      • ´logical value : 0 = exact match, 1: omitted/closer match.
  • ´HLOOPKUP – Getting the value from the data range using the row index number)

  • ´If – Logical test , conditional  meets or does not meet. There will be nested cases
  • ´SUMIF – Getting the total sum value within the data range if the one condition is matched.
  • ´SUMIFS – Getting the total sum value if the multiple conditions are matched.

  • ´COUNTIF – Get the no of counts if the single condition meets
    • ´ COUNTIF(range, Criteria)
  • ´COUNTIFS – Get the no of counts from the multiple data ranges if the conditions meet
    • ´COUNTIFS(Criteria_range1, Criteria1, Criteria_range2, Criteria2, …)

  • ´CONCATENATE / CONCAT – Combine the cells into one cell
    • ´CONCATENATE( text1, text2, text3, text4 )
    • ´Eg: CONCATENATE(employees!B2,” “, employees!C2)

“IF ” statement

“IF ” statement ဆိုတာ အလွန် အရေးပါပါတယ်

တခါတလေ Logical expression က နှစ်ခု သို့ သုံးခု ဖြစ်နိုင်ပါတယ်။


👉 ” အပိုဆုကြေး Bonus လည်းရ အကြွေးတွေလည်း ဆပ်ပြီးလင်

ဆိုတာက ဖြစ်နိုင်ခြေ နှစ်ခု ( Logical condition) နှစ်ခု လုံး ဖြစ်မှ သာ လို့ ဆိုလို တာ ဖြစ်၍ Excel မှာ AND Logical Function နဲ့ တူတူ ပါဘဲ

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