Freelancing You can earn more by working as Freelancer part-time as translation, Video Editing and teaching online. You can register at the platforms , look
Category: LifeStyle
(Myanmar tumbling kelly) Under the dictatorship, The civil servants are happy. They corrupt for money. They beg for money. They get a better life. Therefore,
If You are getting depression! As the revolution took longer than expected, I found many people became depressed. Even some of my friends, who are
Everyone working in the daily life, they have more or less stress. The higher living person may have higher risk and higher stress. There are
Freelancing You can earn more by working as Freelancer part-time as translation, Video Editing and teaching online. You can register at the platforms , look
Time to help each other and take care of each otherRecently, we have heard news of suicide.There are 3 things you should know about that.
A dream that I dreamed strangely today was that a friend working at a military related job sat beside me instead of the boy’s seats
Most people are experiencing stress more or less every day regardless of age. Since the military coup on 1st February 2021, almost everyone’s mental state,
Are you planning to travel to Japan There is one city to visit. I have heard about that city. City is old city and there
Life is too short and world is crazy. Nowadays, Myanmar has Coup and people are fighting for democracy since 2021 it has been over a