What are we going to talk about today?
Nowadays Nwayoo Pyithu are busy with clicking.
There are multiple links to click.
We must put into favorite bookmark to access them everyday.
First VPN on.
Open the link in browser chrome, Mozilla, or safari and click the “add to bookmark” just like normal browser. when the popup display, just close the browser.
Open the browser and browse the news for 10-15 sec every day.
Remember to click everyday not to drop the volume.
Here are the Links to click
LINK1 (https://springrevpower.com/)
LINK 2 (spring-revolution-memorials)
LINK 5 ( https://springrevpower.com/contact-us/ )
LINK 7 ( https://springrevpower.com/category/blog/spring-revolution/news/ )
Thank you!!!