MoeMaKa, March 01 2023
The coup military council attacking its own citizens with airstrikes

RFA reported that on the 27th of this month, the military council army attacked the raft workers who were gold mining near Shwegu, on the banks of the Irrawaddy River with airstrikes, and 4 workers were killed.
After the military coup, the armed conflict, which is the highest point of the political conflict, occurred. In a situation where no one could enforce the administrative and rule of law, the number of illegal gold diggers with floating rafts is increasing significantly in Kachin State and Sagaing Division. It is often reported in the news that the local people are worried that the river will be diverted, the environment will be polluted, and the agricultural industry and the natural ecosystem will be damaged. In January of this year, for the first time, the military council carried out airstrikes on floating raft workers near Myitkyina, Kachin State, killing 1 person. The previous day, it was reported in the news that 4 people were killed because the military council attacked the floating rafts near Shwegu town from the air.
This is the second airstrike in 2 months. In enforcing the issue of environmental damage in a situation where there is no rule of law, there is no more solution to come from the ground to enforce the law and follow the rules.
The number of illegal gold mining operations with motorboats driving near the river has increased dramatically, taking advantage of the lack of rule of law and the economic crisis after the military coup. Just like wood smuggling, gold mining, gold mining with floating rafts, and the poaching of jade blocks, which are becoming widespread, no one or any organization is able to solve these issues because they are more focused on armed conflict.
As for the military council, in an attempt to enforce the issue of illegal gold mining, the use of airstrikes is a very cruel act. The fact that they are no longer in a position to come and enforce the rule of law on the ground shows that the military council is no longer able to rule in these areas.
The military council’s use of costly airstrikes, which are used against the armed forces in matters of environmental protection, is like using an ax to pierce an issue that needs to be carved with a needle.
Another piece of news for today is the news that 7 people were injured due to the successive explosions of 5 bombs near the office of the USDP party in Tachileik city. Tachileik is a city on the Thai-Myanmar border and is located close to the areas dominated by ethnic armed groups and the Golden Triangle region. Shootings and killings with weapons often occur, and there have been many incidents without being able to find the culprits. It is also the city where there was a bomb explosion last year during an event in support of the military council, resulting in the death of some people.
Another interesting piece of news for today is the news that in Nay Pyi Taw, the members of the USDP party, named the People’s Security Group or pro-junta militia, were handed sharpened bamboo spears instead of guns at the arming ceremony.
A news agency writing in support of the military council reported the news about the arming ceremony along with a photo showing sharpened green bamboo spears being handed over. It is a surprising news to present bamboo sticks, a weapon of ancient times, at a time when guns are easily available and assassinations are going.
It shows how outdated the idea of arming with weapons used by the masses of rural people who revolted against British colonialism during the Konbaung dynasty is in this digital and atomic age. The news of handling over bamboo spears came out when the military council recently amended the law on the right to bear arms, and it was assumed that the administrators would be allowed to bear arms.