MoeMaKa, February 24 2023
The prospect of retaliatory killings

As a consequence of the military coup in Myanmar, armed resistance attacks have occurred all over the country. The military that has seized power has been extrajudicial killings of suspected political opponents, accusing them of being members of the armed forces or supporting them. On the other hand, the assassinations of the junta supporters and those whom the junta called pro-militia and what people named Pyu Saw Htee by the urban guerrilla groups and PDF/LPDF in the rural regions are increasing day by day.
On the night of February 19, an underground armed group against the military council killed a ward administrator and his brother, the leader of Pyu Saw Htee, in the Myayngu Village of Tada-U Township, Mandalay Division, and the military council arrested and killed 2 villagers who were suspected of the killing, according to Mandalay Free Press.
Again, in recent days, an incident happened in Hlegu where an unknown armed group killed 4 family members and a guest in a total of 5 people, including a 3-year-old child.
These 2 incidents happened in recent days, and similar incidents happened last year in Saw, Khin Oo Township of Sagaing Division, and Yebyu and Launglon of Tanintharyi Division. There have been many killings by the military council, and some PDF groups attacking the military council have also retaliated and killed them, so I think it is important for the armed groups fighting against the military council to prevent killing the whole family from happening and to take action and punish if there is a violation.
Myanmar’s spring revolution is to implement a federal country based on political system change, a democratic country, a country that respects and protects human rights, or a country where every citizen has equal rights, rather than fighting against individuals like in the feudal era. It is now important to issue strict legal orders to prevent the killing of children, women and the elderly, such as giving a punishment equal to the crime committed, or punishing human life until death. If not, there is a possibility that it will lead to revenge like in the story of a cowboy movie or events that pay off history’s debt and move away from the goal of democracy.
There may be some people who argue that revolution is not like writing a poem and is not a composition with imaginary standards. Some prominent international left-wing leaders may have similar words and statements to be unimaginative. However, the killings of whole families and the extermination of minors go beyond the armed revolution, and the assassinations, revenge and attacks that focus on people rather than political ideology can seriously harm our organization.
Now is the time for the people responsible for the spring movement and the political leaders to prevent any further revenge killings or indiscriminate killings of minorities and women.