Before Travelling To Korea in Autumn


You should purchase a 4G sim card or rent pocket wifi to travel easier.


You should wear comfortable shoes because the streets in Korea are quite steep.


Taxis in South Korea run 24 hours, starting at 2,800 Won for the first 2km and 100 Won for every 144m after that (midnight to 4 am charged an additional 20%). Buses and subways cost 1,350 Won/way.


Tax refund

Travelers shopping in Korea can get a tax refund. Don’t forget to retain the invoice for a tax refund at the airport.

Suggested Season

Around September to November is the best time to travel to Korea if you are afraid of too cold weather.

September is generally not too cold and sunny. Temperature is between 17 deg C and 24 deg C. Eventually weather will be getting cold and need scarf , gloves and warm sweater.

in Autumn, you can see the Mapels leaves in red and golden yellow color.

A pair of gloves , scarf and warmer coat will be together with you whenever getting out.

When you go around you need a comfortable shoes and coat will help you feel better.

Places to go around in Korea (Seoul).

You can plan 6 Days or 7 Days Tour.

credit to original uploader

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