Since 2021 Feb coup, people from Civil services, University students , state students and public people have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).
Terrorist Military council cannot open the schools and not enough resources to conduct the lessons since 2021.
Ministry of Education, National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar appointed in accordance with the Federal Democracy Charter has tried to open the Federal Schools and let students to register online and let teachers to participate in the conducting lessons online.
Many students enrolled online on registration day.
Volunteer Teachers are required and we help to announce for the schools.
Yangon Federal School Application form is opening
They announced that please reapply again
They will contact to the both teachers who have applied before and now.
All the CDMers teachers can apply from 5th June 2022 to 6th June 2022 till 12 PM Myanmar time.

Volunteer Teachers are required, please apply from here.
Primary Level Teachers Application (Primary Teacher Application)
Secondary Level Teachers Application (Middle School Teacher Application)
Advanced Level Teachers Application (High School Teacher Application)
Only applicable for CDM Teachers, from Education College and Universities and Volunteers from Private Schools