MoeMaKa, March 03 2023
9 civilians killed in Hpakant, Kachin State

The incidents in which individuals were assassinated on accusations of being informers, and sometimes family members were also killed who were together with victims, usually took place. The most recent incident was the arrest and killing of 9 civilians, including women, by KIA and PDF groups in a village in Hpakant Township, Kachin State. It was reported in the news that it was done by the Moe Kaung Guerrilla Force and the KIA, and the KIA is conducting an investigation.
It is also said that the urban guerrilla group had earlier announced that they had arrested those on suspicion of providing information in cooperation with the Shanni Nationalities Army. While there are a lot of killings and arrests of civilians suspected of being members or supporters of the PDF forces by the military council troops, on the other hand, there are sporadic incidents of arrests and interrogations by the PDFs and some ethnic armed groups on suspicion of being informers or members of Pyu Saw Htee.
Last year, there were the incidents of the arrest of more than 40 and nearly 50 bridge construction workers, more than 20 were killed by KNDO in Karen State, and the killing of 7 people, including a civilian family and their guests, by Saw PDF in Magway Division. There may be more incidents of the killing of one or two people. Arrests and killings in groups of 5 or more people may be reported in the news, but arrests and killings of one person may not receive much attention.
I think it is necessary for the revolutionary forces to review why these incidents continue to happen. There may be disputes or arguing that they are revolting and not writing poems or daydreaming, etc. Although we understand that an armed revolution cannot fully follow the standards like a political party or a civil organization, such killings with suspicions and accusations are events that should not happen.
If we could investigate the events that happened before this incident, it would be possible to prevent similar incidents from happening again. During the arrests and torture of those on suspicion, there may be confessions even though they are not because of the threats with weapons and when they are unable to tolerate the torture. It is also necessary for the arresting organization to prove the actions of the suspect and even if they are really informants, it is necessary to decide what action to take after reconsidering again, and it is important to be an act consistent with human rights standards and with the stance of an armed group that uses a democratic method. There may be excuses that, as it is during the revolutionary period, there were no jails, no prisons, and no situation to keep, feed and detain enemies for months to years. However, it is important to note that in situations where even junta soldiers who surrender and cooperate can be rewarded and it is promised to send them to a third country, killing those for mere suspicion of giving information to the enemy can be recorded as a severe punishment.’
It is necessary to investigate carefully and responsibly regarding the latest incident. It should also not forget or ignore the incidents that happened before this one and it is necessary to punish the responsible persons. If not, there will be a possibility that similar incidents may continue to occur.’
It is the duty of every pro-democracy, as well as the duty of a pro-democracy armed force, to bring justice to the arrests and killings of civilians that happened in Rakhine State, Kachin State, Karen State, and Sagaing Division.