There are plenty of advices internet that how to host the websites.
Without the planning process, the results probably won’t end like you have hoped.
Proper research and planning will help clarify your objectives for the website and guide your design. Hence planning would take longer time. Best way to design a website, you can break down the process in the different stages
- Ask yourself that what is the purpose of website
- How are you going to use that website
- How much can you spend for the website
- who will develop the website ( Assuming you will develop yourself)
- who can maintain the websites

Requirement Gathering
- Choose the suitable domain name
- Select the right hosting provider
- Plan your website architecture
- How to organize and display the information easily.
- Select the platform for your website
- eCommerce platform may be required to select if you are planning sell the items
- Select the Website Layout/Theme
- Organize the essential contents,
- Contents will be different base on the purpose of website
- Add and Create Contents such as posts and pages
- Contact, About us, Privacy Policy
- Maintaining website by updating password, backup pages and update the posts
Above steps are basic essential steps and whoever designing the website need to know.
Step 1: Discovery Phase (Requirement Gathering)
Choose a plan that works for you Customize as much or as little as you want
It’s up to you to create,
- what is the goal of your website
- what type of website you want to create
- a robust website
- a blog
- a combination of both.
- Personal blog
- portfolio
- business site
Consider carefully about requirements and find to get the good provider
- Plan for budget
- Think about domain
- Research about pricing
Step 2: Planning
In order to design the website, you have to know the achievement of plan and direction of the website. Nowadays, anyone(majority) can develop the high-quality website using tools and no specific technical knowledge such as prior coding knowledge or even an IT professional is required. The essential skill is to use the content management system tools with proper design and contents. Things to learn the following during this planning stage.
- Create or review a strategy for SEO
- Create the website sitemap
- Content review and development
You can review yourself, how much you have completed your planning.
Step 3: Design
You know the contents then you can design the architecture of the website. How the pages will be displayed to the users. How the menu will be looked like. Hence you can design your website layout at this stage.
Step 4: Development
Development is selecting the right layout, installing required plugin, customizing the theme, menu, widgets, contents , header and footer. Proper theme which is suitable with contents will be required to select.
Note : During development, set as “under maintenance” or “Coming Soon” should be used so that no one can access the website. Website can be published after contents are deployed and tested properly.
Step 5: Testing & Launching the Website
Everything is arranged properly then, website can be tested thoroughly.
Make sure that no link break down and all the menu pages display as targeted.
Everything is fine then can launch the website to public.
Anyone can access and enjoy the traffic. Prepare to install the Backup and restore plugin for maintenance purpose.
Step 6: Maintenance
Every three months, reset the password , check the backup, check the plugin. Regular maintenance and posts updates are required in maintenance stage.
Enjoy developing website.