That day, the stones being buried become the roots. The plinth becomes the stem and the barbed wires emerge like twigs and leaves. At the
Month: June 2022
A dream that I dreamed strangely today was that a friend working at a military related job sat beside me instead of the boy’s seats
Most people are experiencing stress more or less every day regardless of age. Since the military coup on 1st February 2021, almost everyone’s mental state,
Since 2021 Feb coup, people from Civil services, University students , state students and public people have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Terrorist Military
Since 2021 Feb coup, people from Civil services, University students , state students and public people have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Terrorist Military

Travelling to Japan (Day 1 & Day 2) Tokyo is one well known city of Japan and need to pass If you plan to travel